Irkutsk State University (ISU)

Russia, Irkutsk , Karl Marx st. 1

Created 1918. It gave the impulse toward the development of higher education in Siberia and Russian Far East. Irkutsk State University became the major educational, scientific and cultural center on the vast territory of Eastern Siberia at once. At first there were only two faculties at the University: the Faculty of History and Philology and the Law Faculty. Irkutsk State University is a large scientific and educational institution training students in humanities, natural, technical and applied sciences. ISU facilities include 7 educational institutions, 10 faculties, 1 branch in Bratsk, the scientific library that is one of the largest University libraries in Russia. Among other facilities Irkutsk State University has the Center for Advanced Training and Retraining, 3 research institutes, Interregional Institute of Social Sciences, Center for New Information Technologies, Baikal Research and Education Center, department for post-graduate and doctoral courses, scientific libraries, astronomical observatory and botanic garden. The University faculties and institutions are located in 9 educational buildings in Irkutsk and in Bratsk. The majority of these buildings are of great historical and architectural value. They date back to the 18th-19th centuries. Senior students of all the faculties have specialized courses and internship in laboratories and scientific research institutions of ISU and Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Finanziamento: Pubblico
Riconoscimento: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Voti 4
Lingue 1
Dipartimenti 15
  • Dettagli di ammissione: Secondary education certificate (Attestat o srednem obrazovanii) and entrance examination

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