Università di Kassala

Founded 1990 as Alsharq University according to the Third Constitutional Decree for the year 1989, when the National Salvation Revolution Command Council passed Alsharq University Law 1990. It was opened in May 1991 with headquarters in Kassala. In the 1993, the Eastern Region was divided according to a constitutional decree into three States (Kassala, Elgedareef and Red Sea). Accordingly, Alsharq Univeristy was split into three Universities Kassala, Red Sea and Elgadareef). Acquired current title 1994.

Finanziamento: Pubblico
Riconoscimento: Quality and Accreditation Authority of the Sudanese National Council of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Sudan Medical Council
Voti 4
Lingue 1
Dipartimenti 9

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