Università di Ardhi (ARU)

Founded as Surveying Training School in Dar es Salaam 1956. Moved to its present location 1958. Became Ardhi Institute 1972. Affiliated to the University of Dar es Salaam 1996, it became a constituent college of the University known as the University College of Land and Architectural Studies (UCLAS). Became Ardhi University 2007.

Finanziamento: Pubblico
Riconoscimento: Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU).
Voti 4
Lingue 1
Dipartimenti 9
Tassa di iscrizione annua
Valuta locale: TZS
750,00 TZS1.501.250,00 TZS
  • Dettagli di ammissione: Certificate of secondary Education with passes in 5 approved subjects, obtained prior to the Advanced certificate of secondary education or equivalent
La tua valuta: USD
0,29 USD577,40 USD

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