Università commemorativa Hubert Kairuki (HKMU)

Tanzania, Dar es Salaam , 70 Chukwa Road Mikocheni P.O. Box 65300

Founded as Mikocheni International University of Health Sciences (MIUHS) 1997, acquired present status 2000.

Finanziamento: Privato
Riconoscimento: Higher Education Accreditation Council (HEAC), Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU), National Council of Technical Education (NACTE)
Voti 3
Lingue 1
Dipartimenti 4
Tassa di iscrizione annua
Valuta locale: TZS
3.250,00 TZS4.891.000,00 TZS
  • Dettagli di ammissione: 2 passes (of not less than a total of 4.5 points), one of which must be at level D or above in any of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics in the advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (National Form VI)
La tua valuta: USD
1,22 USD1.838,72 USD

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