Università di Londra - University College London (UCL)

Founded 1826. Revolutionized university education in 19th century United Kingdom by widening access to social and religious groups previously denied entry. Incorporated in the University of London 1907. A Constituent College of the University from 1977.

Finanziamento: Sconosciuto
Voti 4
Lingue 1
Dipartimenti 12
  • Dettagli di ammissione: General Certificate of Education (GCE) or recognized equivalent, with good passes in 3 approved subjects at Advanced ('A') level, plus one subject at Advanced Subsidiary ('AS') level. In addition, candidates to show evidence of broad general education, eg, GCSE or equivalent, with passes at not less than Grade C in Mathematics and English Language plus 3 other subjects. Further information may be obtained from UCL College Admissions Office
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