The City University di New York Lehman College

Stati Uniti, New York, Bronx , 250 Bedford Park Boulevard West

Founded 1931 as Hunter College, became an independent college within the City University of New York and changed name to Herbert H. Lehman College 1968. Acquired present title recently.

Finanziamento: Pubblico
Riconoscimento: Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
Voti 4
Lingue 1
Dipartimenti 5
Tassa di iscrizione annua
Valuta locale: USD
3.204,00 USD8.940,00 USD
  • Dettagli di ammissione: Graduation from high school or equivalent, and College Board SAT or ACT examination. TOEFL test for foreign students
La tua valuta: USD
3.204,00 USD8.940,00 USD

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