Pontificia Università Gregoriana (PUG)

Città del Vaticano, Rome , Piazza della Pilotta 4

Founded 1551 as 'Collegium Romanum' by Ignatius of Loyola and Francis Borgia. Constituted as University by Pope Julius III, 1553. The Institution developed considerably under Pope Gregory XIII, who is considered to be 'founder and father' of the University which now bears his name. Depends directly on the Holy See and administration is entrusted to the Society of Jesus. The Grand Chancellor is the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation of Studies and the Vice-Grand Chancellor the Superior-General of the Society of Jesus. Juridical recognition is granted to the University by the government of Italy.

Finanziamento: Pubblico
Voti 2
Lingue 5
Dipartimenti 10
Tassa di iscrizione annua
Valuta locale: EUR
810,00 €810,00 €
  • Dettagli di ammissione: Completed classical secondary education and, where necessary, additional preparatory studies to meet Faculty requirements
La tua valuta: USD
873,34 USD873,34 USD

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