Istituto di formazione teologica di Montreal (IFTM)

Canada, Montréal , 2065, rue Sherbrooke Ouest

Founded 1840 as Grand Seminary of Montreal. Became headquarters of the Faculty of Theology 1878. Attached to the Université Laval of Quebec it was then recognised as a Faculty of the University of Montreal as of 1920. Affiliated to the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University of Latran as of 1979 an to the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of Latran as of 1986. The Centre for Theological Formation was transformed into an Institute was 1988 and acquired present title 1995. Granted the right to offer civil degrees 1998. Acquired autonomy 2009.

Finanziamento: Privato
Voti 2
Lingue 1
Dipartimenti 4
  • Dipartimento di diritto canonico / divisione
  • Dipartimento/Divisione Studi Pastorali
  • Dipartimento di Filosofia/Divisione
    Campi di studio: Filosofia
  • Dipartimento di Teologia/Divisione
    Campi di studio: Bibbia, Teologia

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