Università sud-occidentale di scienze politiche e diritto (SWUPL)

Cina, Chongqing , 301, Baosheng Ave Huixing Street Yubei District

Founded 1953 through merger of the Political Science and Law departments of Chongqing University and Sichuan University, the Law departments of Chongqing Finance and Economy College, and of Guizhou University and Yunnan University. Accredited as a key university by the State Council 1978. The administration of the University was transferred from the Ministry of Justice to the Chongqing municipality 2000. Was awarded “excellent undergraduate education” distinction by the Ministry of Education 2007. Became a key university co-administrated by Ministry of Education and Chongqing Municipality.

Finanziamento: Pubblico
Riconoscimento: Education Committee of Chongqing Municipality Government
Voti 2
Lingue 2
Dipartimenti 15
  • Dettagli di ammissione: Graduation from senior middle school and entrance examination

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